It's only when we stop, listen and take a good hard look at ourselves, do we get tiny glimpses of that vaguely familiar being, who sits there right on the very edge of our consciousness. You know the one, she (or he) has sat there forever right there, right there inside our head.
It's the "real" us, the one who sits in there watching, listening and judging everything we do or say and in my case, usually shaking her head making comments like, "What a load of bullshit!"
Well it's New Year's Eve and time to make another commitment that I may not keep, but of which I have the highest of intentions; lets' Blog!
My "blog" won't have a theme or any sense of order, so once again it will be titled "Organized Chaos." I like it. It sums up my life in two, small insignificant words.
So here we go again, all the "stuff" that swirls around in my head, written down on paper (so to speak) and on display. It will be here. If you're totally bored with everything else you've read on Facebook take a look... it may make you laugh, it may make you cry. In most cases it will make you even more certain that I've lost my mind... but if it makes you feel anything, you'll realize you're alive!
Peace, love and light in 2011