Anyone who's been to my house has seen for themselves that I have a... well let's just say I have more than a fondness for rocks. Yup, rocks!
Small, medium, large. Light, dark, speckled. Smooth, bumpy, flat. I have an unexplainable, perhaps somewhat abnormal fascination with rocks.
You can imagine my delight when we moved to Brighton, England where I discovered the entire beach, as far as the eye can see, is covered with nothing but "rocks." It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Especially for me, coming from Florida where the beaches are covered with fine, white, hot, pristine sand, this is totally cool, if not a little weird!
So the way it happens is, I just walk down the beach, on any given day and rocks (the special rocks) just jump out at me, begging to be taken home! I swear they do! They call out to me, making it impossible for me to ignore them. I am obliged to stop, pick them up and take them home.
We might be on our way to lunch or maybe the movies, but if our route takes us by the sea, you can be sure I will have a pocket full (well at least 1 or 2) by the time we reach our destination.
I have rescued rocks from all over the world; the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sedona, Key West Key West, Pensacola, Seattle and so on, and so on, and so on.
The rock in the photo below took me a little bit by surprise, but it came home with me anyway! What does it look like to you?

So the next time you accidently kick a rock, stumble across a rock, have a particular rock "catch your eye," take the "hint." It may be speaking to you... calling your name... looking for a new home.
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