Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You got to have friends.....

After we returned from holiday I realized that I had run out of things to "Blog" about. A friend of mine suggested I blog about a different photo each day... The more I thought about it the more I liked the idea! So here is my very first "Photo a Day" blog entry...

Angela is totally cool. She's smart, independent, self confident and very creative! She loves dogs and vegetables, and not necessarily in that order.

Angela is a "listener." You know how most people talk more than they listen? Well, Angela listens way more than she talks! She asks lots of questions and then she does something weird... she listens to you! It's very unnerving.

I'm actually in awe of Angela, but please don't tell her that. She seems to have it all together, in many ways. She's raised a son (pretty much singlehandedly) until meeting her husband who's this equally cool and creative guy. She's very good at her job, she's involved in "vegan" activities, she loves movies, music and all things "animal" oriented.

I believe Angela's an old "soul" as she has strong energy and a bright aura. I hope to have the opportunity to get to know her better! .....if she's still talking to me after this blog entry.


  1. Btw, each time I read the title I hear the theme song from Toy Story in my head!
