By the way when did maternity clothes become so cool and trendy? More than once I unknowingly wandered into the Maternity department! I'd have an armful of things before looking around and noticing I was the only menopausal age woman, not sporting a baby bump! Sheepishly, I'd put back my items and wander back to shopping hell.
The ship/boat (not sure what to call it yet) is beautiful, once you are on-board. However, as the taxi pulled up along side of it, I was somewhat dismayed to see a long, chunky, royal blue, box shaped vessel, that looked more like it should be towing toxic waste! However, once on-board I was pleasantly surprised to see a beautifully decorated, very modern, luxury passenger vessel! Whew!
The smiling crew was all lined up to greet us as we came aboard... This young man grabbing shopping bags from Nick while another performed surgery to remove the what had become plastic "wires" embedded in the palms of my hands. Welcome aboard Mrs White! The cabin is lovely and very spacious! queen size bed, big picture window and a good sized bathroom with a powerful shower. A beautiful flower arrangement and a much needed bottle of wine awaited us! (Thank you Joyce, what class act you are!) The wine was immediately opened and the evening began!
Dressing for dinner was fun, as I actually got to put on something other that the jeans and top I had been wearing for the last 72 hours! One small oversight though, other than the wet, muddy shoes I had worn on the plane and through the streets of Nuremberg, I had no shoes!
Anyone who know me, knows that I have a bit of a bohemian streak... so entering the dinning room wearing a black and grey asymmetrical top, black leggings and bare foot (except for the Christmas Red pedicure I had thankfully had on Friday!) was not something that I didn't absolutely enjoy! Hey, they're going to notice you anyway, so you might as well make them remember you! Needless to say Nick and I were a big hit! Everyone wanted to talk to the bedraggled looking couple, one of which was shoeless!
A good time was had by all, as one glass of white wine turned into two and then three... Oh, and a champagne toast for good luck before the "night cap" and before I knew it I was sleeping comfortably (or was I passed out)?
Ah ha - I guess I got the answer to my previous question, as there was some clothes shopping involved in today's journey. Maybe I should just read all the posts before commenting...?