Thursday, December 17, 2009

T Minus 24 Hours

With the holidays behind us (well behind me and my family anyway) tomorrow my husband and I set off on our long awaited two week, winter wonderland, tenth anniversary journey.

It's been a long time coming, as my pseudo Travel Agent husband began researching this trip years ago... well ok that may be a slight exgazeration. Nick (my wonderful husband) is very "detailed oriented," to say the least. To say the most would be to say he has OCD, but we won't go there for now... He put in many long hours sitting in front of a computer screen looking at travel websites, reading travel blogs, investigating travel reviews, scrutinizing other people's travel photos and working his balls off to find the most absolutely perfect, dreamlike, romantic venue for our 10 year wedding anniversary... and just as you've probably already guessed, we're going to Germany!

...but more about that later.

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